make your relationship squeaky clean
Everyone I know looks forward to springtime. Spring is a great time of year to renew and refresh your relationship, clear away the cobwebs, and get your couple happiness back into full swing. As you begin to spring ahead, you may notice some areas in your relationship that need a little spring cleaning. Keeping your relationship sparkling clean and growing in the right direction may be easier than you think. Learn 4 ways to spring clean your relationship.
Four Tips For Keeping Your Relationship Squeaky Clean
1. Remove hidden dirt
Have you been sweeping your feelings and resentments under the carpet? When you hide your hurt feelings and anger for a long period of time, it requires a bigger broom and dustpan to sweep them away. We all feel upset with our partners from time to time usually over relatively small infractions. Increase the likelihood of being heard by your partner when discussing problems by using a positive tone of voice, making statements that start with “I” instead of “You” and describe what is happening without blaming your partner.
2. Open the window and go for a walk.
Reconnect with your significant other by spending time outdoors, breathing in the fresh spring air and talking about the things you love and admire about each other. Talk about things that are going well in the relationship. Keep it positive. This can be a special time to build up affection for each other and connection.
3. Change Your Perspective
There is more than one way of looking at a situation. You are two individuals who most likely will see things differently. This difference does not have to create a division in your relationship. Time is well spent by trying to listen to partner and reflect back what it being said to you. Listen for your partner’s feeling behind their message. When you truly listen to your partner and understand what is being said, it is easier to hear and accept their position.
4. Open Up
Keeping your thoughts, feelings and ideas to yourself is counterproductive to couple happiness. You may think that avoiding what is on your mind keeps the peace and perhaps it does temporarily, but after a period of time, resentment builds, anger gets unleashed and repair becomes more difficult. Closeness requires a spirit of openness and sharing.
Look around and see what needs cleaning up. Spring cleaning may seem like a lot of work, but don’t despair. Once you are able to remove the build up of unexpressed thoughts and wishes, put aside unkind words and deeds, and replace the “hum drum” with having more fun together, spring cleaning will be well worth the effort. If you feel the “clean up” is too overwhelming and you need some you extra help, please consider couples counseling as a resource to renew and refresh your relationship.